Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why can't Muslims live under Sharia in our own lands?

By Abdullah Al Andalusi
Why can't Muslims live under Sharia in our own lands?
Always, we hear the same tired arguments against Muslims having the right to live according to Islam. In Muslim countries, Muslims are told that we cannot implement and live by Sharia rights, laws and duties because there are [insert name of non-Muslim minority] and Secularists [Post-Colonial Muslims] who don't want to live under the law. When it is told to them that Sharia is only for Muslims, they reply "its not fair to have different laws for people, and not every 'Muslim' wants Sharia".
If Secularists lived in 7th century Madinah, would they tell the Prophet Muhammed (saw): 'you should remove from the Constitution (sahifa) of Madinah the clause 'if any fall into dispute, refer it to Allah and his Messenger' because Madinah has a Jewish minority which doesn't recognise you as Allah's messenger, or your claim to receive revelation'? They probably would [and set up a 'Tamarod' movement and invite Abdallah ibn Ubay to lead it].
If Muslims try to emigrate and create an area that is only Muslim, they say 'how can you exclude non-Muslims from living there?!' Indeed, they would never leave us alone.
However, Western countries [mostly Europe and Australia] have no problem imposing Secular laws reflecting a majority culture over their minorities. Do you think France cared about its 10% Muslim minority when it banned Hijab in schools and Niqab on the streets? No. They are happy to impose on Muslims saying 'you live here, so you must accept and believe in our values or leave', even if Muslims don't want to be forced to give up their culture, values, right to expression or beliefs. Islam offers their minorities the Jizyah (contract-citizen tax) in return for not obliging military service nor changing ANYTHING of their beliefs, culture or LAWS. But unfortunately paying the Western 'Jizyah' (citizenship tax) doesn't give you the same rights Islam does to its minorities.
And when it is said 'you can't implement Sharia, because there are many interpretations!' - really? So Muslims can't implement Sharia, despite all Muslims schools of thought agreeing on the basic Islamic political laws (zakah, one leader, shura, hudood, prohibition of riba etc etc), but the West apparently have no problem implementing Secular Liberalism despite there being NO Holy Book, No agreed perfect exemplar of its implementation (e.g. Prophet), and No common agreement on ANY Liberal idea or philosophy - leading to hundreds of political parties all based upon mutually conflicting interpretations! Right...
And why do Muslims have to respect the wishes of Secular 'Muslims' above their own wishes? Why can't Secular 'Muslims' respect the rights of Muslims who believe in Islam AND want to live by it? Surely superior respect should be due for people who are sincere in their beliefs and wish follow them? I mean, if you say you're a Muslim, but you DON'T want to live by Islam, then why call yourself a Muslim? Is this not hypocrisy (nifaq)? To believe in a purpose of life, but reject wanting to live LIFE by that purpose? [This is different to being a sinful Muslim, who wants to live according to Islam, but does bad actions].
So in the end, Western and 'Muslim' Secularists don't want Muslims to live by Islam ANYWHERE in the world. There is no winning in trying to please Secularists, so Muslims should stop trying to please them, and take control of our own destiny and implement Islam without anyone's permission except Allah's (swt).
You either please the Hypocrites (Munafiqeen), or you please Allah (swt), but you can't please both.

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