Thursday, September 19, 2024

Obeying The Husbands

The Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ said:
إذا صلت المرأة خمسها و صامت شهرها و حفظت فرجها و أطاعت زوجها قيل لها ادخلي الجنة من أي أبواب الجنة شئت
“If a woman prays her five daily prayers, fasts Ramadan, and protects her private part [ from adultery], and obeys her husband, it will be said to here ‘enter Jannah from which ever door you please’" (Musnad Ahmad)
Look how the Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ mentioned obeying the husband in the same obligatory thread as the five daily prayers and fasting Ramadan. Women need to understand that obeying their husband is a core part of your deen just like fasting and praying is. It is not merely about serving your husband, it is primarily about serving Allah.

In fact, the Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ explicitly stated that Allah does not accept His rights from a woman until she fulfills the rights of her husband. And the greatest right of a husband is that she obeys him as an obligation.
The Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ said:
لا تؤدي المرأة حق ربها حتى تؤدي حق زوجها و لو سألها و هي على قتب لم تمنعه
“A woman cannot fulfill the rights of Allah until she fulfills the rights of her husband.” (Ibn Majah, Sahih Ibn Hibbah)

The modern world has enticed many Muslim women to think of themselves as independent from the obligation of obeying their husbands. And this is nothing less than the trickery of Shaytan who wishes to misguide women into disobeying Allah based on whim and defiance of their husbands so that they are self-deprived of “enter the doors of Jannah from whichever doors they please” and not having their acts of worship accepted by Allah among other things mentioned in the Sunnah.
In the vast majority of hadith that describe a pious woman there is always mention of “obeying the husbands”.
If your heart cannot find contentment in such a fundamental aspect of deen, it’s time to really turn back to Allah and reflect. Because as long as your heart is adverse to this, you leave a wide door open for Shaytan to come in and destroy your virtue as a pious woman and also the relationship you have with your husband, but most importantly your relationship with Allah!


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